ECWextreme's Domain
Movie Reviews


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My Movie Reviews...
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels review coming next!

Great addition to the Hannibal series. Got low scores and reviews from national radio and newspapers, saying that it was too gory. It was, and that is what makes Hannibal special. It is, in esscense, Hannibal. Lechter could be the #1 all time movie villan in my book.

SNATCH - ****1/2
Perfect flow, content, and brilliant performances come together better than Madonna and Guy Ritchie. This movie is a great mix of comedy, violence, and plot line that just works.

CASTAWAY - **1/2
Very slow from start to finish, this one just doesn't deliver. Being best friends with Steven Speilberg means you can pretty much have 2 boring screen hours by yourself. The two stars are for the humor sprinkled within.

TRAFFIC - ****
Great movie displaying the current power of drug cartels and the ease with which drugs cross over to America. Three seperate but linked stories take place at once and Michael Douglas never even sees wife Catherine Zeta Jones during the film. Loses the fifth star for dragging on, this one goes 2 hours and 40 minutes.

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